Neck Lift in Washington DC

What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift surgery focuses mainly on the front of the neck in the area under the chin. This surgery rejuvenates the neck's appearance by addressing weak muscles, excess fat, and some times excessive salivary gland tissue. Through a small incision hidden underneath the chin, Dr. Tran is able to remove fat, sculpt salivary glands, and tighten the platysma muscles, resulting in a smoother, firmer, and younger-looking neck. Often, liposuction is combined with a neck lift in order to address fat in the subcutaneous tissue.

Am I a good candidate for a neck lift?

You are a great candidate for a neck lift if you have a poorly defined neck and jawline. Those individuals with a double chin are also good candidates for a neck lift. If you have more sagging, loose skin, you may be a better candidate for a facelift.

What can I expect during recovery?

A neck lift procedure takes about two hours and may be performed under general or local anesthesia. Patients go home with a neck wrap to be kept in place for 24 hours. Stitches are typically removed at one week. There are no dietary restrictions and patients typically take it easy for two weeks before resuming their regular activities.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Yes, Neck Liposuction can be a procedure completed on its own. However, Neck Liposuction may not always address all the fullness in the neck. Neck Liposuction only addresses subcutaneous fat, or just the fat under the skin. During your consultation, Dr. Tran will examine your neck to check if other areas should be addressed as well to get you the best results.

  • Yes, many patients choose to combine a Neck Lift with procedures to further enhance the neck and jawline such as chin augmentation or jawline filler. The fat removed during Neck Liposuction may be processed to be injected in other parts of the face that may need volume. This is know as fat transfer.

  • A Neck Lift is completed through a small 2 inch incision under your chin. The incision is expertly hidden in a natural skin crease and fades to being invisible over time. If Neck Liposuction is done with your Neck Lift, there will be tiny incisions hidden behind your earlobes to allow for the Liposuction device.

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